Sensei - Gipsy Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Hof
Talk to Sensei - Gipsy Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Hof now. 20-25 years of experience in Tarot Reading. ★SALES 1.99 cr/min ★TOP RATED AND FAMOUS PSYCHIC ★PREDICTION HAPPENED ★ TIME FRAME ★LOVE & RELATIONSHIP ★ CAREER ★ HEALINGS ★ SPIRITUAL GUIDE ★ ●๑۩ Welcome to BLESSING CRADLE MY FREE CHAT HOME at Oranum۩๑● WHAT YOU CAN GET IN MY FREE CHAT WITHOUT GOING IN PRIVATE. I invite you in my FREE CHAT my friend I’m enthusiastic to speak about all the wonderful things I love AND you are welcome in the SPIRIT OF LOVE and I will be very happy to share with you the WISDOM that is coming to us from an higher source : ☆ I can SHOW YOU CARDS , explaining the meaning of cards without any reference or further analysis of your future ☆ I can provide some little INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY in order to establish the connection ☆ Time by time I organize short GROUP HEALINGS and PRAYERS without focusing on one individual ●▬▬๑☆My psychic journey ☆▬▬▬● Why my name is Sensei? Why I’m wearing a monk suit. I love the word Sensei, not just in the meaning of teacher but in the meaning of sense, as I’m able to use all our 14 sense, and this is the way I’m tuning into your life, reaching each of your senses to penetrate your world, on a physical, spiritual and astral level. And i'm not from Nepal, I'm italian but I live in Budapest. Started as I lay there in the darkened womb, wide awake, my head firmly buried under the amniotic fluid, For many of you this was a celestial experience, not for an RH negative. However I was not alone, I dreamt so many times this experience. The darkness was around me trying to pull me out. One day It decided to kill me in, my Mom fall down the stairs, six months of pregnancy, internal bleeding, we were both dying. Doctor could not do anything for me, but I decided to do everything by myself, I dreamt I heard a voice and an energy put me out, 1 kg, in 1973. I felt I had to go. I always felt a presence with me and I was born the only day in which twins, on astrological point of view are double, so I’m a druid, I’m a natural Magician. For the first time I took a deck of cards, very normal Italian cards in hand when i was 5. My aunt, joking, asked me to do a reading for her. She was with her boyfriend. “ You will marry, and you will have a daughter, and you will divorce, but don’t worry, than you will be happy and I will bring you to the altar” . Cards where simply a tool, a voice was speaking inside of me, one of the first time in which the Absolute Truth was coming out, naturally, magically. My aunt was laughing at that time, and also now, cause is really happy. The voice was my first Spiritual Guide, Renukee, that stand on my left side, on my right side I’ve got another person, that I would not mention the name. Born as a natural clairvoyant is a gift and a responsibility, therefore I decided to learn the kaballah, the tarot mystery, spells and the art of healing of Reiki. ●๑☆Prediction, secrets and advise for your love life ☆๑● For ,more info you can visit also my Love Reading Club : ☆Love & relationship ☆Virtual relationship ☆Same sex relationship ☆Pregnancy ☆Divorce ☆Soulmates ☆Twinflame ☆Break ups and Réunion ☆Cheating ☆Overcome Addiction ☆Sex and intimacy ☆Encourage changes ☆State of your relationship ☆Relationship problem solving ☆Clarity & guidance ☆Past & Past life influence ☆ Love blockage and healings ●๑☆Your love questions☆๑● ☆ Will I find ever the true love ? ☆ Will I be safe and secure with this person ? ☆ Will the relationship be lasting and fruitful? ☆ Will a commitment be possible ? ☆ How to find the Real One ? ☆ Will the new lover be similar to past lovers? ☆ Is marriage a possibility in the relationship? ☆ What can be done to find true and lasting love? ☆What are her/his feelings ? Hopes? ☆ Is there someone else ? ☆ Will he/she be supportive ? ☆ Will our families get along ? ☆ How canI empower me and him/her ? ☆ How can I build trust ? ☆ How can I encourage appreciation and respect ? ●๑☆Prediction, secrets and advise for your career ☆๑● ☆Success in starting a new business ☆ Success when you face a strong competittion ☆Courage in facing a difficult situation ☆Help you to make the best decision in a difficult situation ☆Detect the action of a malicious person ☆Build harmonious relatioship with your coo-workers ☆Gain a promotion or a raise ☆ Win a job ☆ Gain a job interview ☆Attract good luck job wise ☆ Protection ☆ Releasing stress ●☆Natural Healer abilities☆● ☆Traditional Usui Reiki Master • Chakras balancing and harmonization • Open up and removing blockage : channelling • Learn the wisdom of the body • Help your endocrine system • Complete Reiki treatment • Meditation • Detoxification, cleansing process • Mental healing and self mental healing, distant healing treatments • Short Reiki treatment • Find the energy reason of illness (headache, migraine, neck, shoulder and upper-back pain, middle and lower-back pain, sciatica, colds and flu, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, arthritis, insomnia, cystitis, menstrual problems, menopause • Hara centring • Atisha’s heart-of-joy meditation ☆ Spiritual advisor and Sensei ☆ ☆ Action : - get action and or set forces in motion - Stimulate a particular person to “get going” ☆ Addiction - Help in overcoming an addiction or bad habit ☆ Artistic and creative concern - Help in drawing out creative abilities, gaining inspiration and fresh ideas. - Success in the arts and other areas that call on creative abilities ☆ Health, healing, beauty - Help in working toward beauty, health and fitness - Project charm - Enhance attractiveness, particularly sexual attractiveness - Preserve beauty and health and delay aging - Help reverse the aging process and recapture lost beauty ☆ Business - Success in starting a new business ☆ Change - General change in your life - Get away from a bad envy situation - Encourage positive changes within a person, institution or organization - Help in adjusting to a difficult or traumatic change or circumstances ☆ Children - Success in starting a family - Strength, health, safety and ease of childbirth - Encourage the conception of a babygirl or a babyboy or twins. ☆ Competition - Success when face with strong competition ☆ Courage - Courage in facing a difficult situation ☆ Decisions - Help in making the best decision - Help in sticking within a difficult decision ☆ Divorce - Achieve an amicable divorce - Help for a favourable divorce settlement ☆ Dreams - Encourage good dreams - Prophetic dreams ☆ Emotions - Cheerfulness, good moods and a positive outlook - Purge old emotional pain and guilt ☆Enemies - Discourage a pest from coming around - Restrain the actions of a malicious person - Undo and put right the actions of a malicious person ☆ Families - Solve truce in family quarrels - Harmonious relationship with both parents ☆ Friends - Attract many friends - Attract influential friends to network for business purposes ☆Health and healing - All around good health - Aid healing of physical problems ☆ Houses - Help in finding your dream house - Successful sale of a house ☆ Job and job hunting - Win a job - Gain a job interview with a potential employer - Gain a promotion or a raise ☆ Knowledge - Tap the subconscious mind for knowledge ☆Legal undertaking - For success in a legal undertaking ☆ Love and romance - Attract love - Win the love of a certain person ☆ luck - Attract good luck - Good luck in games and gambling ☆ Money - Encourage debtors to repay debs - Attract money and prosperity ☆ Motivation - Summon motivation, enthusiasm and focus ☆ Obstacles - Overcome obstacles presented by individuals ☆ Protection - for protection, defence and safety ☆ Psychism - To help develop psychism ☆ Quarrels - To stop a quarrel or dispute and to reconcile opponents - To help in holding your own in disagreements with a particular person ☆ Self Improvement - for self improvement and self transformation ☆ Stress - To help you release stress ☆ Theft - to recover stolen property ๑▬▬▬☆Past Life relationship☆๑▬▬▬● ☆ Nature of Past Life Connection ☆ Spiritual Lesson : what the spiritual lesson for this past life was. ☆ You : who you were and/or how you related to the other person ☆ The Other Person: ☆ How You Did: in terms of learning the spiritual lesson of this past life ☆ Current Incarnation Spiritual Lesson ☆ Advise
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